Salves & Oils

Salves & Oils

We use a cold-packed method to make our salves & oils, which means that the herbs retain much of the healing properties that may be lost upon heating.

Whenever possible we use fresh plants, harvested in optimal conditions. We use organic oils and beeswax, with no stabilizers, perfumes or preservatives.

The following are available as salves or oils. Salves are easier to apply and to transport, but oils are better for covering large areas. Some of it comes down to personal preference.

Items on this page are meant for topical use only. For ingestible products, please see our tinctures and tonics.

The last three items, marked are only available as oils.

With the exception, of Ear Oil, which comes in a dropper bottle, the oils come in brown glass bottles, and the salves come in wide-mouthed, clear glass jars.

Ingredients with an * are plants that we gather or grow ourselves. All others are purchased from a reputable supplier and may be wild-crafted or organically cultivated.

Arnica Salve or Oil
(Arnica, Olive Oil, beeswax): Arnica is a great external stimulant, perfect for treating sprains, strains and bruises. Massage in to tired muscles. This has become one of our most popular items.
Calendula Salve or Oil
(Calendula flowers *, Almond Oil, beeswax): Calendula has antiseptic as well as healing properties, making this a valuable remedy if infection is suspected. Almond oil is a very gentle oil, high in Vitamin E, and ideally suitable as a baby oil, or for very sensitive skins.
Combination Salve or Oil
(Comfrey *, Plantain *, Yarrow *, Self Heal *, St. Johnswort *, Olive oil, Beeswax): This is the first product we made, and the one we have had the most feedback about from customers who swear by it for its effectiveness in treating cuts, burns, abrasions, hemorrhoids and diaper rash. The careful selection of herbs helps reduces itching, scarring, bruising etc.
Comfrey Salve or Oil
(Comfrey *, Olive oil, Beeswax): Comfrey is in a class of its own when it comes to promoting cell growth and rapid healing of wounds. It really reduces healing time and scarring. This has pride of place in our first-aid kit and comes with us on every camping trip.
Poison Ivy Salve or Oil
(Jewelweed *, Plantain, Olive oil, beeswax): Jewelweed is the natural remedy for poison ivy rash, often growing nearby. Plantain reduces itching, so this product is useful for all itchy rashes, including insect bites, allergic reactions, hives and chickenpox.
Ear Oil
(Mullein *, Garlic *, Olive oil): A powerful remedy for persistent earaches and blocked or infected ears. Safe to use for young children. We even have customers who use this on their dogs!
Wintergreen Oil
(Wintergreen *, Olive oil, Essential oil): Pain relief for aching joints and strained muscles.
Insect Repellant
(Essential oils of Citronella, Eucalyptus and Peppermint, Olive oil): A pleasant, safe alternative to commercial products, safe for children. A little goes a long way, and a few drops can be added to water to make a spray. Avoid the eyes or open wounds.


Website by Middle Ear Media.

We also build birchbark canoes handmade in the traditional Iron Age style, homemade on the ground, in the old way.

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